
Datum: 31.05.2025
Uhrzeit: Einlass: 19.00 Uhr / Beginn: 20.00 Uhr
Veranstalter: Z|ART Agency GmbH



Camel Power Club is a French indie act active since 2014, touring from Mexico to Eastern Europe.

Reminiscent of LCD Soundsystem, it’s a blend between late 60’s British music and electronic textures.

Their synthetic sounds feel like a dream world above the clouds, in which the symbiosis of indie-electronic combines with the timbres of escapist narratives.

Léonard started composing in 2014, with a first 4-track EP release „Sputnik“.

In 2017, he then released a more popish EP „Baïkonour“, keeping the spatial theme at the core of his identity.

In 2020, he returned to land while Léa joined him and they released a 5-track EP „Why Can’t We All Be Friends for the Few Years Left ?“ : an opus with brighter colors and tropical influences.

In 2022, they dropped a new album „Narukanaga“, supported by a sold out European tour in Spring and Fall that year.

Now crossing the 100 millions streams milestone, they will return with a series of singles starting in April 2024, and drop their new album on April 4th, 2025, supported by a European tour in Spring 2025.

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