
Datum: 06.04.2025
Uhrzeit: Einlass: 20.00 Uhr
Veranstalter: Behind the Green Door



Behind the Green Door show

presented by ByteFMemerged Agency and EBB Music

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☼ YIN YIN ☼ (NL)

Mount Matsu Release-Tour

Get ready to ascend to new sonic heights with YĪN YĪN’s third album, Mount Matsu. Blending cosmic psychedelia with Japanese-inspired melodies, this hypnotic journey takes you deep into uncharted musical territory. With its infectious rhythms, vintage synths, and the enchanting sounds of the Chinese Guzheng, Mount Matsu is a kaleidoscope of sound that effortlessly moves between psychedelic disco, global funk, and tribal beats. Drawing inspiration from the mystical landscapes of Japan, each track invites you to lose yourself in its rich, textured layers. If you’re a fan of mind-bending sonic adventures, this album is your next obsession!

Listen | Instagram

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